Monday, March 26, 2007

Assignment 7 - week 2

Last week comments:

- stone is not a good character to use. They suggested changing the character to another object.

-story line has not much twist. The flow of the story is dull and the climate is not good.

-element of dream is overused.Using the dream as an element as a twist is too normal. Try and tweak it to a better twist.

For the first comment, if the character is to be changed, our whole story would have to be changed as our story revolved around how the stone managed to get on his journey even though it cannot move.

In addition, the storyline is not interesting and dull. So if we want to tweak the story, we will need to change the whole storyline. This enforces comment one as the character is not a good character to use. Moreover, the dream element is overuse. This again is part of the storyline. Looking at the three comments given,it all added up to changing the storyline.

Therefore, after discussing over last week comments, we decided to change the storyline as the response and comments given by the class are not very positive. However, we decided to keep the story line as an adventure story.

Conceptualization of the characters:

- to look cute
- round things are usually cute, example Hello Kitty.
- objects that are round
- list out things that are round
- go through the list
- decided on mushroom
- more than one main character to have room for story development
- five main characters: king and princes
- monster/creature

Conceptualizing the storyline:

- set in the fantasy land as mushrooms normally cannot move around
- the setting is a mushroom village as got king and princes
- princes can't get along
- king is worried about the princes' inability to co-operate
- mushroom citizens who went to collect water went missing
- troop are send to investigate why
- a monster come to reside at the lake
- mushrooms cannot collect water for use
- king asked the princes to think of a way
- princes attack the monster on their own
- cannot defeat the monster
- king suggested to co operate
- each prince make use of its specialty
- defeated the monster by working together
- moral is unity is important

Breaking down of the scenes
- overview of the mushroom kingdom
- introduce each prince
- princes cannot get along
- bring the lake into the picture
- the hurt mushroom reporting to the king
- king asked the princes to defeat the monster
- show the defeat of two of the princes
- decided to work together using their strengths
- defeat the monster
- moral is unity is important
- however...........


Scene 1:

Scene 2:

Scene 3:

Scene 4:

Scene 5:

Scene 6:

Scene 7:

Scene 8:

Scene 9:

Scene 10:

Scene 11:

Scene 12:

Scene 13:

Scene 14:

Scene 15:

Scene 16:

Scene 17:

Scene 18:

Scene 19:

Scene 20:

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