Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Assignment 4 : Theme: Theme: Save this/that - A3 Poster

A poster is supposed to attract attention fast and convey the intended meaning. And to be able to do that, it is better to have simple design as the brain will be able to process it more easily and have an impression of it. In addition, there must be a path for the eye to follow to prevent it from “dropping” out from the poster. Therefore I decided to have only 3 elements in it; the words, graphics and border. I decided to do on the theme on preventing pet abandonment as I feel that many people are keeping pets without serious consideration on the responsibility and commitment needed to take care of a pet.

Initial design:

I thought of placing the graphics in the centre to get the attention of people. I want the graphics to look something like a logo so I curved the text both on the top and below the graphics. Then I applied gradient to the background in such a way that attention is drew to the graphics. After a few tries, I decided to place the poster on landscape.


Comments given:
Placement of the poster is unbalanced.
Text should not be placed in the down side curve
“Pet Abandonment” should be more obvious
Change landscape to portrait
Position the dog’s eye to keep the flow of the visual path

After a few tries with the placement of the graphics elements, I came up with the following:

Poster 1:

Poster 2:

In the end, I chose the poster 2 for the final portfolio.

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