Monday, March 26, 2007

Assignment 7 - week 2 part 2

These are the presentation slides explaining our layout, grid, color scheme, font and style of coloring.(Sequence from top down)

We came up with three layouts. We are intending to use maybe one of the layout or all of the three layout.

For the font, as it is a children book and we are emphasizing on having a cute feeling, we want to have font that are round. In addition, it will be in line with our illustrations.

For the title, we narrowed down to the four fonts above. We felt that Cheri Liney can attract and it easy for the kids to read it. Thus we decided to use this font for the title. For the text inside the book, we decided on Comic Sans as it is clear and easy to read it.

We want to have a soft tone/pastel color for the color as we wanted to create a dreamy feeling for the story is set in the fantasy land.

Due to the color we are using we thought that a matt finish paper would be able to convey the dreamy feeling we want.

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