Monday, March 26, 2007

Assignment 7 - week 2 part 2

These are the presentation slides explaining our layout, grid, color scheme, font and style of coloring.(Sequence from top down)

We came up with three layouts. We are intending to use maybe one of the layout or all of the three layout.

For the font, as it is a children book and we are emphasizing on having a cute feeling, we want to have font that are round. In addition, it will be in line with our illustrations.

For the title, we narrowed down to the four fonts above. We felt that Cheri Liney can attract and it easy for the kids to read it. Thus we decided to use this font for the title. For the text inside the book, we decided on Comic Sans as it is clear and easy to read it.

We want to have a soft tone/pastel color for the color as we wanted to create a dreamy feeling for the story is set in the fantasy land.

Due to the color we are using we thought that a matt finish paper would be able to convey the dreamy feeling we want.

Assignment 7 - week 2

Last week comments:

- stone is not a good character to use. They suggested changing the character to another object.

-story line has not much twist. The flow of the story is dull and the climate is not good.

-element of dream is overused.Using the dream as an element as a twist is too normal. Try and tweak it to a better twist.

For the first comment, if the character is to be changed, our whole story would have to be changed as our story revolved around how the stone managed to get on his journey even though it cannot move.

In addition, the storyline is not interesting and dull. So if we want to tweak the story, we will need to change the whole storyline. This enforces comment one as the character is not a good character to use. Moreover, the dream element is overuse. This again is part of the storyline. Looking at the three comments given,it all added up to changing the storyline.

Therefore, after discussing over last week comments, we decided to change the storyline as the response and comments given by the class are not very positive. However, we decided to keep the story line as an adventure story.

Conceptualization of the characters:

- to look cute
- round things are usually cute, example Hello Kitty.
- objects that are round
- list out things that are round
- go through the list
- decided on mushroom
- more than one main character to have room for story development
- five main characters: king and princes
- monster/creature

Conceptualizing the storyline:

- set in the fantasy land as mushrooms normally cannot move around
- the setting is a mushroom village as got king and princes
- princes can't get along
- king is worried about the princes' inability to co-operate
- mushroom citizens who went to collect water went missing
- troop are send to investigate why
- a monster come to reside at the lake
- mushrooms cannot collect water for use
- king asked the princes to think of a way
- princes attack the monster on their own
- cannot defeat the monster
- king suggested to co operate
- each prince make use of its specialty
- defeated the monster by working together
- moral is unity is important

Breaking down of the scenes
- overview of the mushroom kingdom
- introduce each prince
- princes cannot get along
- bring the lake into the picture
- the hurt mushroom reporting to the king
- king asked the princes to defeat the monster
- show the defeat of two of the princes
- decided to work together using their strengths
- defeat the monster
- moral is unity is important
- however...........


Scene 1:

Scene 2:

Scene 3:

Scene 4:

Scene 5:

Scene 6:

Scene 7:

Scene 8:

Scene 9:

Scene 10:

Scene 11:

Scene 12:

Scene 13:

Scene 14:

Scene 15:

Scene 16:

Scene 17:

Scene 18:

Scene 19:

Scene 20:

Assignment 7 - week 1 part 2

After we decided on the story, we need to divide the story up into scenes.
We felt that the important parts of the story should be illustrated to allow the children to understand it.

Thus, we divided the story into the following scenes:

The Adventure of Greyie

Scene 1
Once upon a time, there is a stone, name Greyie, who feels bored and lonely who hopes to be able to go on an exciting journey. At that night, he looks at the stars and wishes that he can leave the place and able to explore the world.

Scene 2
He kept thinking about it and feels tired after a while. (zzzzzZZZZZ)

Scene 3
He saw a man walking toward him. He was very happy and excited. (Hoping that he can leave the place) As the man get closer who is a stone collector, name, put his collector bag on the ground.

Scene 4 (4 and 5 combined into combined layout)
“Name of collector” reached his hand to pick up greyie and dropped him into his bag.
Scene 5
To Greyie surprised, he saw many other stones and he feels very happy. He made a lot of new friends and start talking to them.

Scene 6
Name of stone collector continued his journey to collect more stone. “Name of stone collector” found a few beautiful stones near a river.

Scene 7 (combine 7 and 8 into combined layout)
He was too excited that he dropped his bag onto the ground near the river. Most of the stones fell out of the bag and unlucky, only greyie was being rolled into the river. The stone collector didn’t notice it.

Scene 9
He was seriously injured and bruised. Finally, he arrived on a riverbed. He met a fairy who happened to be resting at the riverbed. The fairy saw greyie had bruised all around him and felt sorry for him, so she decided to give greyie the ability to communicate for five days.

Scene 10 (combine 10 and 11 into combined layout)
Greyie was very thankful to the fairy who gave him an ability to talk. He was so happy that his voice can be heard by other. A boy happened to pass by the riverbed; he saw greyie and picked him up.
Scene 11
Greyie communicate with the boy and hope that he can bring him anywhere he goes, so that he will be able to explore the world. The boy was shock that the stone can talk at first and he found it interesting too. Therefore, he replied with a “yes” and brings him back to his house.

Scene 12
Greyie was very happy and thought that he will have a very good experience journey with the boy. The boy put greyie on to his study desk with one unbalanced leg and starts talking with greyie. Greyie thought that he was very lucky that the boy always keep him accompany almost everyday.

Scene 13
After five days, the stone loses it ability to communicate and the boy stop talking with him. Greyie was being ignored and put under the unbalanced table’s desk leg.

Scene 14
All of a sudden, greyie woke up with lot of sweat.

Scene 15
Greyie finally realize that “What seems to be a good thing could also be your hardest experience in your life”.

The comments given:

- stone is not a good character to use. They suggested changing the character to another object.

-story line has not much twist. The flow of the story is dull and the climate is not good.

-element of dream is overused.Using the dream as an element as a twist is too normal. Try and tweak it to a better twist.