Sunday, February 25, 2007

Assignment 2: Theme: Needful Things

Understanding and overcoming constrains/ problems of representation
Developing skills in controlling visual message

I chose to write a list of the objects/activities that I think I can use to do the assignment and from the list I chose one of the items to do it.
Question is how to do it in such a way to get the form such that people can recognize it and at the same time still retain the meaning of the activity/object. So I thought perhaps the most important of that activity/object should be persevered throughout the whole abstraction progress.

I chose an activity, reading, to do instead of an object. First I draw a picture of a male reading a story book. Gradually I took away the body, face outline and in the end only the eyes and book outline is left as I felt that it is the most important part of the activity.

During the tutorial, I realize that my understanding of the meaning of iconic and symbol is incorrect. It doesn’t necessary mean abstracting the objects or activities but one can also add in things to achieve what you want. In addition, generic form is when the object/activity loses it specific meaning and become general.

Comments during the presentation:
-From stage 3 to stage 4 is just deletion of the body part which should not be the case.
-From stage 4 to stage 5 does not have much variation.
-The picture form is not abstract enough. For example, the book can be further simplified.
-The picture still has the specific form of the activity. At the fifth form of the picture the specific activity can still be seen which is the person is reading.

According to the comments given, I edited to the following:

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