Thursday, February 22, 2007

Assignment 1: Theme: Me Myself and I

Assignment 1: Theme: Me Myself and I

To me, there are several elements I think I should keep in mind. One of the elements is that since we need to incorporate what we like into the font, then perhaps the most striking and easily recognized element of the object should be in the font. Another
element is the shape of the font.

Stage 1

Firstly, I came up with a list of items of the things that I like and dislike. From there, I wrote down the most important element for each item. Example, for flower I think that the shape of the flower in the simplify form is the most important. The font should match the item chosen and look well together. For the thing I like, I make the font round as I think round shape makes things look more friendly and lovable. For the thing I dislike, I decided to use stronger color and maybe the reason why I disliked it. The font shape will be straight and direct.

For what I like I used rainbow, flowers, books and rain for the first 4 concepts.

For what I dislike I chose the sun.

Sketches: Please refer to sketch book in the portfolio

Stage 2

After conceptualizing all of the objects, I chose the flowers and rainbow for presentation.
For the flowers, I felt that the shape of the petal is the most prominent feature of the flowers. Therefore, I tried and incorporate the shape into the font.
Comments for flowers were:
-Too simple
-Not creative
-(need to edit)

For the rainbow, I felt that colors and curve of the rainbow is what defines a rainbow.
Comments for rainbow:
-Not obvious what it is: color or rainbow
-(need to edit)

After taking into consideration of their comments, I chose to edit the rainbow for the next presentation session. In addition, I thought it will be interesting to do the “dislike”, therefore I did a design on the sun for the next presentation.

First computer draft:

Stage 3
For the presentation, I presented the sun and rainbow designs..(Please refer to portfolio for the hardcopies)

The comments for the rainbow were that the colors are weird. This is a problem I didn’t foresee when I was rendering on the graphics application. Apparently, there are different channels of colors available on the graphics software. For printing, one should work in the CMYK mode as this is the mode that most printers will use. Although, I like the colors that I see on the computer, I have to correct the color of the rainbows to make it looks the same when it is printed. After learning about unity,I decided to change the rainbow picture. For the rainbow picture, I changed the font as my main picture has the characteristics of roundness so the whole picture has the unity of roundness. I decided not to add in the pot of gold as I think the curve and colors will be sufficient to convey the meaning of rainbow.

Edited version:

For the sun, there is the problem of the shadow. I have not been able to get the angle of the shadow right. In addition, there was suggestion that I should make the color stronger to show the feeling of dislike. During the process of editing the sun design, I thought that straight line is not portraying the dislike feeling, thus I distorted the outline of the letters.. In the end, I decided to keep the straight line as I think it looks better.

A common problem for both is that I didn’t take into consideration of the paper I used to print the design. An art paper will give a bright and smooth finish which will be in line with both of design.

After editing:

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